[太阳] 小镇被森林环绕。
普通表达:The small town is surrounded by forests.
高级表达:The small town is cradled by lush forests.
[太阳] 这条街有两三个街区那么长,两边都是商店。
普通表达:The street is about two or three blocks long and there are many stores on both sides.
高级表达:There is a street stretching for two or three blocks lined with stores.
[太阳] 宫殿的入口看上去十分宏伟,两侧是两座高大的古代战士雕像。
普通表达:The entrance to the palace looks grand. There are two tall statues of ancient warriors on both sides.
高级表达:The grand entrance to the palace was flanked by two towering statues of ancient warriors.
[太阳] 整个街区的房子都挨挨挤挤。
普通表达:Houses are built very close to each otherin the blocks.
高级表达:There are whole blocks of houses jammed one right up against another.
[太阳] 我家一公里范围内有三个公园。
普通表达:There are three parks within one kilometer of my house.
高级表达:There are three parks within a one-kilometer radius of my house.