

2022-05-26 09:46:06 环境


1.Stanley had a poster of him hanging on the wall of his bedroom.(房间环境描写)

2.It was while he was walking home, carrying his wet notebook, with the prospect of having to copy the ruined pages, that the sneakers fell from the sky. (事件, 叙事,画面感)

3.The shovels were five feet long, from the tip of the steel blade to the end of the wooden shaft (说明/介绍物品)

4.The lake was so full of holes and mounds(土丘) that it reminded Stanley of pictures he'd seen of the moon  (地貌环境描写,修辞)

5.The sun had only just come up over the horizon(地平线/天边), but he already could feel its hot rays against his face (炎热天气环境描写)

6.The sun wasn't yet up, but its rays arced over the horizon and brought light to the sky (天气,日出,环境描写)

7.It was especially beautiful in the spring, when the peach trees, which lined the shore, bloomed(开花) with pink and rose-colored blossoms(花,花朵)  (春天,环境描写)

8.The air became unbearably humid(湿热的) Stanley was drenched(湿透的) in sweat Beads of moisture(水珠) ran down the handle of his shovel It was almost as if the temperature had gotten so hot that the air itself was sweating A loud boom of thunder echoed across the empty lake (炎热天气环境描写)

9.The peak looked to him exactly like a giant fist, with the thumb sticking straight up (山峰环境描写,修辞)

10.The storm moved off farther west, along with any hope of rain. (天气环境描写)

11.It had the cool, smooth(光滑的) texture(质地) of metal. (介绍物品,说明,描写)

12.The boat lay upside down, half buried in the dirt. (环境描写)

13.It was as if they had been walking across the flat bottom of a giant frying pan, and now they had to somehow climb up out of it. (环境描写)

14.Patches of weeds dotted(点缀) the mountainside. (环境描写)

15.He was in a field of greenish white flowers that seemed to extend all the way around.  (环境描写)

16.The sun cut through the cloud, and Stanley felt its rays beating down on him But soon more clouds filled the sky, shading Stanley

17.It was too much of a coincidence(巧合) to be a mere accident.  (观点,评价)

18.It turned out the sneakers had been stolen from a display at the homeless shelter (结果,解开真相)

19.For once in his life it paid to be overweight (幽默,修辞)

20. Nothing in life is easy But that's no reason to give up You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it (评价,鼓励)
