

2024-11-14 09:05:05 描写外貌



make an impression on;

concentrate on;



look forward to;



curious  adj好奇的
panic n./v. 恐慌;
unease n.不安; 
tense adj. 紧张的

→tension n.紧张;压力;

nervous adj. 紧张的

→nervousness n.紧张;

scare vt. 使恐惧;使害怕

→scared adj. 害怕的

→scary adj. 恐怖的;吓人的;
terrify vt. 使恐惧;恐吓

→terrifying adj. 极其可怕的;骇人听闻的→terrified adj. 非常害怕的;极度惊恐的
be on pins and needles如坐针毡;
(have) butterflies in one’s stomach


like ants on a hot pan像热锅上的蚂蚁;
be seized/overcome with panic/fear
one’s heart in one’s mouth 


one’s heart races/beats/pounds 

wildly/violently with fear吓得心怦怦跳;
pace restlessly up and down


hands shake手发抖;
palms sweat手心出汗;
feel one’s throat tight and one’s mouth dry感到喉咙发紧,嘴发干

I am not outgoing so I am a little anxious right now. (情感描写)
The class was difficult,but the teacher was kind and friendly. . . I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful. (人物描写)
This morning,I was worried that no one would talk to me.  But I was wrong.  I didn’t feel awkward or frightened at all. (情感描写)
The guy next to me tried to talk to me the whole time. (人物描写)
I am an active person and I love sports. (人物描写)
I look good,think fast and play hard. (排比修辞)
A thousand-mile journey begins with the first step. (主旨升华)
All students were waiting for their first examination results anxiously,being on pins and needles. (比喻句)所有学生都焦急地等待着他们第一次考试的结果,如坐针毡。
When he thought that he would be faced with completely new surroundings,a flood of fear welled up in him. (无灵主语句) 想到他将面临全新的环境,一阵恐惧涌上了他的心头。
I felt so scared/nervous that my throat tightened and my knees weak. 我感到很害怕/紧张,嗓子发紧,膝盖发软。
I know he didn’t believe me,and every time he looked my way,my heart started pounding wildly. 我知道他不相信我,每次他朝我看的时候,我的心就开始狂跳。
Her stomach was gripped with anxiety,like a volcano erupting inside her. (比喻句)她的胃因为焦虑而痉挛,就像一座火山在她体内喷发一样。
His heart beat/raced/pounded wildly and his legs trembled. 他的心狂跳着,双腿发抖。

Ⅳ. 有关学校生活的读后续写
    Having butterflies in our stomachs(①分词短语作状语),we were all waiting for the announcement of our experiment partner.  I had been looking forward to a female partner who was outgoing and easy to get along with.(②定语从句) To my disappointment,I was assigned to work with an extremely serious guy who always wore dark clothes and was always not satisfied with others’work.  Learning that,a flood of fear welled up in me(③无灵主语句).To be honest,so frightened was I that my throat tightened and my knees trembled uncontrollably whenever speaking to him.(④倒装句). Anxious and nervous(⑤形容词短语作状语),I had no choice but (⑥别无选择)to concentrate on/upon designing our project with him.  However,I gradually found he actually had an amazing personality,which erased my anxiety and panic(⑦非限制性定语从句).I was confident that our efforts would pay off.(⑧宾语从句)
我们都在忐忑不安地等待实验伙伴的宣布。我一直期待着一个外向、易于相处的女生搭档。令我失望的是,我被分配和一个非常严肃的家伙一起工作,他总是穿着深色衣服,总是对别人的工作不满意。得知这一点,我心中涌起了恐惧。 老实说,我太害怕了,每次和他说话,喉咙都会发紧,膝盖都会不由自主地颤抖。尽管焦虑又紧张,我别无选择,只好集中精力和他一起设计我们的项目。然而,我逐渐发现他其实有着极好的个性,这消除了我的焦虑和恐慌。我相信我们的努力会有回报的。
