

2020-05-27 16:18:25 景色


1. In the sun room there are plenty of flowers in bloom. 在那间日光室里,有很多盛开的花。

2. The peach-blossoms are at their best. 桃花盛开。

3. After the rain the peach blossoms snowed their petals. 雨后,桃花雪片般地落下了花瓣。

4. March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers. 三月的春风,四月的阵雨催开五月的鲜花。

5. A small cottage was covered with a deep red blossomed vine. 一幢小房子上爬满了开着红色花朵的藤蔓。

6. Ivy has sent trails up the wall. 常青藤顺着墙向上蔓延。

7. With the summer flowers in bloom, the valley took on every shade of color.


8. The trees usually stay in bloom for a week. 这些树通常开花达一星期之久。

9. Flowers bloom all over the yard. 朵朵鲜花开满了庭院。

10. The garden is bright with flowers. 鲜花满园。

11. The flowers are all open. 花儿都开了。

12. Petals flaked down in the breeze. 花瓣随风纷纷落下。

13. The cherry-trees set off the red flower. 樱花凋落。

14. A red flower needs to be set off by green leaves. 红花需要绿叶衬托。

15. The trees send out new shoots in spring. 春天里的树木长出新芽。

16. Spring is coming; all the trees are pushing out new shoots. 春天到了,所有树木都绽出了新芽。

17.The fruit weighed the branches down.  果实把树枝压弯了。

18. The tree was torn up by the roots. 这棵树被连根拔起。

19. The willows are beginning to feather out. 柳树开始飘絮。

20. Green pines laugh in the breeze. 青松迎风欢笑。

21. There were a few lordly poplars before the house. 那幢房子前有几棵挺拔的白杨树。

22. As the years went on, the young plant in our court grew into a tall shady tree.


23. This tree was bare, without a single leaf on its branches. It could give shelter neither from the sun nor from the rain. 这棵树光秃秃的,一片树叶也没有,既不能遮阳,也不能避雨。

24. The trees on the straight, wide roads have grown high and give deep shade.


25. These plants are growing rank. 这些植物长得过盛。

26. The group of trees provided some shade from the sun. 这几棵树投下一片树荫,可供遮阳纳凉。

27. The forest of firs looked like heather on the high rocks, its summits hidden in a mist of cloud.


28. The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 森林连绵数百里。

29. The branches swayed about the wind. 树枝随风摆动。

30. Plant trees and flowers to make the country green. 植树种花,绿化祖国。

31. A flock of wild geese flew overhead. 一群野鹅从头顶飞过。

32. Dogs bark, cocks crew, frogs croak to each other. 犬吠,鸡鸣,青蛙呱呱叫。

33. They heard the twitter of birds among the bushes. 他们听到树丛中鸟儿发出的叽叽喳喳声。

34. Birds were spilling their song over the quiet woods. 寂静的树林里到处是鸟儿的叫声。

35. To him, the birds sang, squirrel chattered and the flowers bloomed.


36. The bird tucked its head under its wing. 鸟把翅膀缩在翅膀下。
