

2020-05-27 16:15:03 景色


第一组 37句

1. The river rises in the mountains. 这条河发源于群山之中。

2. A tiny stream meanders through the meadow. 一条小溪弯弯曲曲地流过草地。

3. The stream empties itself into the river. 这条小溪流入大河。

4. River rush into the sea. 江河急流入海。

5. A stream was winding its way through the valley into the river. 一条小溪蜿蜒流过山谷,汇入江中。

6. There the brook meets the river. 那条小溪汇入河流。

7. There is a lake walled in by peaks. 那儿有一条群山环绕的湖泊。

8. The still water mirrored the trees along the bank. 河流静静的水映出沿岸的树木。

9. Through our campus flows a small river, along the banks of which stand a lot of willow trees.


10. The river was frozen a foot thick. 河面上结了一尺厚的冰。

11. The river bends to the east. 这条河折向东流。

12. The river makes a sweep to the left. 河道向左方弯曲过去。

13. The re was a great cry heard above the noise of wind and water. 一阵哭叫声在风浪中仍能听到。

14. Water bubbled up through the sand. 水渗透过泥沙冒了出来。

15. The spring oozes out of a rock. 泉水从岩石中渗出。

16. Out of the sluice springs an inexhaustible supply of water. 水从水闸中源源流出。

17. Darkness dropped like a gray blanket over the sea. 黑暗像灰色的毛毯一般垂悬在海面上。

18. We have a superb view of the sea. 我们看到大海的绝色美景。

19. The sea seems to melt into the sky on the horizon. 在地平线上,仿佛天海相连。

20. As evening came, the coastline faded into darkness. 随着夜幕的降临,海岸线渐渐暗了下来。

21. The lake walled in by peaks is a must. 那群山环绕的湖泊是一个必游之地。

22. The glory of the morning is mirrored in the lake. 朝霞倒映在湖面上。

23. The willow’s shadow falls on the lake. 垂柳的影子倒影在湖面上。

24. The flood has scored out a deep channel through the valley. 洪水在山谷里冲刷出一条很深的水道。

25. The torrents scoured (out) a channel down the hillside. 急流沿着山腰冲出一条水道。

26. The river flowed over its banks. 河水泛滥。

27. The waters were troubled. 水面上波涛起伏。

28. The sea lapped the shore. (The waves washed the seashore.) 波浪拍打海岸。

29. Wave lapped against the sides of the ship. 波浪拍打着船舷。

30. The ship ploughed through the waves of the sea. 轮船在海面上破浪前进。

31. The ship knifed through the heavy seas. 船在波浪汹涌的海中破浪前进。

32. The boat went up and down on the rough sea. 那条船在波涛汹涌的大海里上下颠簸。

33. The ship pitched and rolled in the rough sea. 船在波涛汹涌的海上纵横摇动。

34. The boat slips through the river. 船在水上轻轻地滑行。

35. On the other side of the wood was a deep wide stream, its current running so strongly that one could hardly swim against it. 在这片丛林的另一边,是一条又宽又深的溪流,水流湍急,人们几乎无法逆流游上来。

36. The waves beating violently against the shore, people could not hear her cry for help.


37. The sea gradually smoothed down. 海面逐渐平静下来。

      *      *      *

第二组 17句

1. That is a plain extending 200 li without a break. 那是延绵200里的一片平原。

2. The beautiful scenery was laid out before the travelers when they reached the top of the hill.


3. The mountain is 3500 meters above sea level. 那座山海拔3500米。

4. There are mountains on all sides. 四面都是山。

5. The hill is surrounded by water on three sides. 这座小山三面环水。

6. The hill affords a most charming view over the lake. 从这山上可以俯瞰湖中最美的景色。

7. The landscape in Guilin is the best under heaven. 桂林山水甲天下。

8. The sight of the beautiful mountains took our breath away. 这美丽的山色使我们惊叹不已。

9. The going is hard over this mountain road. 这条山路很不好走。

10. There is only a one man trail ahead. 前方仅有一条能走一个人的小道。

11. A thick coat of gloom enveloped the valley. 山谷笼罩在一层阴沉沉的色彩中。

12.The land reposes in the dusk. 大地在暮色中沉寂着。

13. The mountains were shadowing into blackness. 群山渐渐消失在黑暗中。

14. The mountains began to throw their long blue shadow over the valley. 群山已开始在山谷中投下青灰色的阴影。

15. The snow is falling heavily, in great soft flakes, so that you can hardly see across the shallow valley. 大片大片柔软的雪花密集地飘落着,你几乎看不见浅溪谷的那一边。

16. Every change of season produces some changes in the magical hues and shape of these mountains. 季节的每一个变化,都给这些山峦的奇幻色彩和形态带来一些改变。

17. There are a lot of tiny muddy pools all over the ground. 地上布满了很多小小的泥坑。
