

2020-05-27 16:19:58 景色


1. In the early dawn, the guard towers were silhouetted against the sky. 黎明时,天空中映出了了望踏的轮廓。

2. Dawn is beginning to show in the east. 东方露出曙光。

3. Dawn mantled in the sky. 满天曙光。

4. The sun rose bathed the earth in its glow. 太阳升起,灿烂的阳光沐浴着大地。

5. The sun peered through a vast cloud. 太阳从大块云朵中隐约出现。

6. The sunbeam struck full on his face. 阳光正好照在他脸上。

7. The descending sun was making brilliance upon the water. 落日将余辉洒在水面上。

8. The setting sun kindled the sky. 落日照红了天空。

9. The sunset dyed the sky red. 夕阳映红了天空。

10. Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun. 露珠在早晨的阳光下闪闪发光。

11. The clouds rolled away and sun came out. 云散日出。

12. The fog lifted and the sun came out. 雾散日出。

13. Light streamed in through the window when I parted the curtains.


14. In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.


15. Sunrays filtered in wherever they could, driving out darkness and choking the shadows.


16. The sun broke through the clouds. 阳光从云层中透了过来。

17. Daylight filtered through clouds. 日光透过云层。

18. The sun burst through the clouds and shone over the earth. 阳光穿破乌云,普照大地。

19. Yellow fog filled the streets and hid the daylight. 黄色的烟雾弥漫在街头巷尾,遮天蔽日。

20. A great cloud rose from the ground and followed the rail of the great sun.


21. A red sun rose slowly from the calm sea.一轮红日从风平浪静的海面冉冉升起。

22. The rising sun flamed the eastern sky. 朝阳染红了东方的天空。

23. The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.


24. Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon. The garden was bathed in moonlight.


25. The moon was slowly rising above the sea. 月亮慢慢从海上升起。

26. The moon is moving west against the background of the stars. 月亮在星星的衬托下正向西运行。

27. The moon was obscured by dark clouds. 月亮被乌云遮蔽了。

28. The moon went in and it grew rather dark. 月亮被云层遮蔽,天暗了下来。

29. The moon’s flame brightened the vast expanse of snow. 月亮照亮了一片雪原。

30. The meteor (shooting star) shot across the sky. 流星飞快地掠过天空。

31. Night lowered its curtain and mantled the land. 夜幕降临,笼罩了大地。

32. At night, millions of stars shine in the darkness. 入夜,繁星在夜空中闪烁。

33. As night fell, lights in the sky multiplied. 夜幕降临,满天繁星。

34. The night sky is spotted with stars. 夜晚的天空繁星点点。

35. Bright, very bright were the stars over the dark hills. 黑黝黝的群山上空,星星是多么明亮啊!

36. The stars are not giving much light tonight. 今晚的星光不亮。

37. It was evening, the sun had set and the stillness of twilight was upon everything.


38. The tower clock speaks night. 塔楼的钟声报告夜晚的来临。

39.The sun, which had hidden all day, now came out in all its splendor.


40. The garden was bathed in moonlight. 那花园沐浴在月光里。

上一篇:【写作素材】景色描写:花鸟36句双语对照下一篇:摘抄 | 古诗词中的美景,诗人眼中的景色是什么样的