1. be over the moon/ be wild with joy:欣喜若狂
2. in low spirits:情绪低落
3. be numb with shock:惊呆
4. boil with rage/boil over:怒火中烧
5. to one’s disappointment:令某人失望的是
6. be on edge:紧张不安
7. have ants in one' s pants:坐立不安
8. with a mixture of excitement and happiness:既兴奋又开心
9. with a blank expression on one’s face:一脸茫然
10. a flash of anger:怒上心头
1. rush off:急着走
2. hang one’s head in shame:羞愧地低着头
3. wave one’s arm:挥舞手臂
4. drag behind:慢悠悠地跟在后面
5. walk aimlessly:漫无目的地走着
6. stagger to one’s feet:摇晃地站起身来
7. put one’s arms around sb.:伸出双臂搂着某人
8. listen hard:仔细倾听
9. take a quick look:瞥了一眼
10. look sb. straight in the eye:直视某人的眼睛
1. The sun shone brightly in the clear blue sky:太阳在湛蓝的天空中明亮地照耀着
2. The rain poured down heavily:雨下得很大
3. Snowflakes were falling gently:雪花轻轻飘落
4. The night was pitch-black, with only a few stars twinkling in the sky:夜晚漆黑一片,只有几颗星星在天空闪烁
5. The river flowed quietly, reflecting the moonlight:河水静静地流淌着,倒映着月光
6. A gentle breeze blew, bringing with it the sweet fragrance of flowers:微风轻拂,带来了花朵的芬芳
7. The forest was filled with the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves:森林里充满了鸟儿的叫声和树叶的沙沙声
8. Thick fog covered the city, making everything look hazy:浓雾笼罩着城市,使一切看起来都很朦胧
9. The waves crashed against the shore, making a loud noise:海浪冲击着海岸,发出巨大的声响
10. The mountains in the distance were covered with a layer of white snow:远处的山峦覆盖着一层雪。