

2024-05-14 09:01:49 心情



1) He jumped with wild joy. 他高兴地跳了起来。

2) Her eyes sparkled with pleasure. 她的眼里闪耀着喜悦的光芒。

3) Warm tears of joy streamed/flowed down her cheeks. 她喜极而泣。

4) Lily’s eyes brightened. 莉莉的眼睛亮了起来。

5) Father can hardly contain his delight. 父亲无法抑制他的喜悦。

6) A broad/shining smile spread across mom’s face. 妈妈脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。

7) Her face (was) lit up. 她面露喜色。

8) His face broadened out into a grin. 他咧开嘴笑了起来。


1) He always wears a long face. 他总是愁眉苦脸。

2) Her eyes were swimming with tears. 她的双眼噙满泪水。

3) He shook his head, the tears pouring down his cheeks. 他摇了摇头,眼泪顺着脸颊往下流。

4) Peter felt a bit down. 皮特有点闷闷不乐。

5) He walked slowly, with his head and shoulders hanging down. 他垂头丧气,慢慢走着。

6) This failure weighed heavily on his mind. 这次失利沉重地压在他的心头。

7) Her hands were shaking, and she was on the edge of tears. 她的手在发抖,几乎要哭了。

8) She couldn’t help bursting out crying. 她忍不住大哭起来。

9) It felt as if I had a 100-pound weight tied to my backpack. 仿佛我的背上有千斤重。

10) Tom bit his lip tightly,not uttering a single word. 汤姆紧咬着嘴唇, 一言不发。

11) On hearing the bad news, Mary felt seized by a wave of sadness. 听到这个坏消息,玛丽感到一阵悲伤。

12) My heart bleeds when I recall the scene. 当我回忆起那一幕时,我的心都在滴血。


1) Dad was overwhelmed with excitement. 爸爸兴奋极了。

2) He was so excited that he jumped to his feet.  他激动得跳了起来。

3) Their faces(were)lit up with excitement. 他们的脸上洋溢着兴奋。

4) My heart was beating like a freed bird’s.  我的心激动地跳动着,像得到自由的小鸟一样。

5) Wild excitement took hold of Lily. 莉莉激动不已。

6) The twins’ eyes twinkled with excitement. 双胞胎眼里闪烁着兴奋的光。

7) The boy’s heart pounded wildly with excitement. 男孩激动得心砰砰直跳。

8) Her hands trembled with eagerness as she opened the letter. 当她打开信时,她的手因急切而颤抖。

9) There, when I accepted the award, my heart skipped a beat, my breath caught in my throat, and tears filled my eyes. 在那里,当我领奖时,我的心跳加速,呼吸哽咽,泪水夺眶而出。


1) Mike’s jaw dropped/fell. 迈克的下巴都要惊掉了。

2) He was too surprised to speak or even to think. 他惊讶得说不出话来,甚至脑子都不灵了。

3) The news left me speechless with astonishment. 这个消息使我惊讶得说不出话来。

4) With her mouth wide open, she couldn’t believe what she had seen. 她的嘴张得老大,简直不敢相信自己所看到的一切。

5) “What?”I doubted if there was something wrong with my ears. “什么?”我怀疑自己的耳朵是否出了问题。

6) An astonishing look passed over her face. 她脸上掠过惊奇的表情。


1) He was too angry to control his temper. 他太生气了,无法控制自己的情绪。

2) The teacher’s voice trembled with anger. 老师的声音因愤怒而颤抖。

3) A fire of rage burned in his heart. 一股怒火在他心中燃烧。

4) The son’s response made his father’s blood boil. 儿子的回答让他父亲火冒三丈。

5) Buried anger surged up into his throat. 埋藏的怒火涌上了他的喉咙。

6) Boiling with rage, Jim shook his fist at me. 吉姆勃然大怒,向我挥舞着拳头。

7) He trembled with anger from head to foot. 他气得浑身发抖。


1) The strange sound made our blood run cold. 那奇怪的声音使我们毛骨悚然。

2) We froze with terror, too scared to move an inch. 我们吓呆了,一动也不敢动。

3) A flush of panic spread across their faces/cheeks. 他们的脸上现出一阵恐慌。

4) Mary’s eyes rounded with horror. 玛丽吓得两眼圆睁。

5) The scene made everyone’s hair stand on end.  这一幕使每个人都毛骨悚然。

6) Panic spread like an electric shock. 恐惧蔓延如遭电击。

7) A flood of fear welled up in him. 一阵恐惧涌上他的心头。

8) He was so frightened that his knees knocked together. 他吓得两腿哆嗦。

9) His face was dead with fright. 他吓得面如死灰。


1) With butterflies in my stomach, I stood up. 我忐忑不安地站了起来。

2) She was like a cat on hot bricks before her final exam. 期末考试前,她如坐针毡。

3) I nervously waited for my grades, with my heart in my mouth. 我紧张地等待着我的成绩, 心提到了嗓子眼。

4) I could feel my heart beating wildly. 我能感觉到我的心在狂跳。

5) His heart almost leaped into his mouth. 他的心几乎要跳出来了。

6) My stomach was full of butterflies and my hands were sweaty. 我心里直打鼓,手心直冒汗。


1) A warm current flowed over my body. 一阵暖流流过我的身体。

2) He held my hands tightly, choked by words. 他紧紧地握着我的手,哽咽着说不出话来。

3) With a lump in my throat, I threw my arms around mom.  我哽咽着,伸出双手去拥抱妈妈。

4) Tears welled up in her eyes. 她的眼中饱含泪水。

5) The old woman was moved with tears flowing down the cheek. 老妇人感动到泪流满面。

6) With misty eyes, Peter hugged me tightly. 彼得泪眼朦胧,紧紧地拥抱着我。


1) An expression of shame crossed his face. 他脸上掠过羞愧的表情。

2) My face is hot with shame. 我羞愧难当。

3) Lily hung her head in shame. 莉莉羞愧地低下了头。

4) Feeling awkward/embarrassed, I couldn’t help scratching my head. 我感到尴尬,忍不住挠了挠头。


1) My heart sank. 我的心一沉。

2) She abandoned herself to disappointment/despair. 她陷入失望/绝望。

3) With a sense of loss,I left the teacher’s office. 带着一种失落感,我离开了老师的办公室。

4) The result dashed his hopes. 结果使他的希望破灭了。

5) She was completely overcome by disappointment/despair. 她完全被失望/绝望所压倒。

6) Words failed to express how disappointed I was. 言语无法表达我的失望之情。

7) Tony felt like he was thrown into a world of darkness. 托尼感觉自己被扔进了一个黑暗的世界。

8) Her heart was torn with despair. 她感到绝望,心都要碎了。


1) He breathed a sigh of relief. 他松了一口气。

2) Much to my relief, he did better than I expected. 令我松了一口气的是,他做得比我预期要好。

3) A sense of relief flooded over mother’s body. 母亲有一种如释重负的感觉。

4) After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of relief. 考试结束后,我感到一种难以置信的解脱感。

1. Soon enough, whenever I came around his pen(围栏) to let him out for his turn of walks and play, Chocolate was always excited and           (高兴地跳起来).

2. “Hello,” he replied, with his face                   (被喜悦点亮). 

3. I felt                (一阵喜悦) mixed with fear.

4. My eyes               (因高兴而睁大) at the scene.

5. The boy lifted the last bag onto his shoulder, and               (闪过灿烂的笑容).

6. Susie Smith came home from school one day, and had no sooner entered the sitting room than she                 (突然大哭起来).

7. Those words were like a bite of hot pepper to my friend, who turned              (因愤怒和尴尬而脸红), while                          (沮丧的泪水从他的眼中滑落).

8. What was worse, the library had already closed. I was              (几乎要哭了).

9. As she enjoyed the cake,                       (眼泪顺着她的脸往下流).

10. “Mommy, if I should get Casper lost, I would cry so much and be sad forever,” he confessed,                     (他眼里噙着泪水).

11. Every day, when I come home from school, Max greets me at the door with his tail wagging and                          (他的眼睛兴奋得闪闪发光).

12. Excitement                (传遍……全身)Kevin as they departed for their campsite.

13. Aamir’s eyes                     (被兴奋点亮).

14. When the elder brother returned,                         (他的眼睛睁大) and               (他的下巴要惊掉了) after seeing the work.

15. When the man gave me a clear explanation of what had happened earlier, I was                              (惊讶地用手捂住张开的嘴).

16.                  (让我非常吃惊的是), a girl sitting in a wheelchair got hold of it.

17.                         (一丝惊讶闪过)across his face.

18. But the others mocked (嘲笑) him worse than ever, and he began to                                  (气得发抖).

19. Anderson                   (勃然大怒), yelling at the homeless man loudly.

20. Jenny shouted, her voice                   (充满了愤怒和绝望), when John asked her to prepare for school.

21. That really                   (让我的血液沸腾).               (沮丧逐渐积聚)inside me as I watched them enjoy their time with One-Eyed, excluding me from the joyous moments.

22. The next morning, when Ryan entered the classroom, he found Ms. Rose waiting, with                     (气得面色铁青).

23. When her son stopped breathing in the back seat of her car, she                                   (惊恐地僵住了).

24. I thought we were going to die together. I screamed                 (处于完全的恐慌).

25. Kevin’s eyes                          (吓得目瞪口呆) as he spotted the damaged wreckage beneath the fallen giant.

26. All I could see was her face, and her eyes were               (充满了畏惧).

27. He was pale and                           (吓得发抖).

28. Although I promised my little brother that his big sister could deal with it, I had                                                          (内心忐忑).

29. My heart beat hard and fast as my hands turned                 (因为汗水变得又冷又湿).

30. There, when I accepted the award, my heart skipped a beat,                  (呼吸哽咽), and tears filled my eyes.

31.               (一种羞愧感) creeping upon her heart, she could only force a smile with            (耳朵发烫). But also,               (一股暖流) surged through her brain and body.

32. I felt myself choked as if                     (喉咙里有一个肿块).

33. The family hugged and smiled through            (湿润的眼眶) and then laughed.

34. On hearing that, Zwick              (感动到落泪)by the gesture.

35. “Farah?” her father asked again , but Farah just               (羞愧地低下了头) and did not answer.

36. Raj               (发出一声低叹), despair settling heavily in his chest.

37. She couldn’t help but feel                           (一种深深的失落和失望).

38. I finally came to the last line of the poem and                    (深深地松了一口气).

1. jumping with joy

2. lighting up with pleasure

3. a rush of pleasure

4. widened in delight

5. flashed a bright smile

6. burst into tears

7. red with anger and embarrassment;tears of frustration dropped from his eyes

8. close to tears

9. tears rolled down her face

10. tears welling up in his eyes

11. his eyes sparkling with excitement

12. ran through

13. lit up with excitement

14. his eyes opened wide;his jaw dropped

15. astonished to cover my open mouth with my hands

16. Much to my surprise

17. A spark of surprise flashed

18. tremble with anger

19. exploded with anger

20. full of anger and hopelessness

21. got my blood boiling;The frustration built up

22. her face dark with rage

23. froze in panic

24. in pure panic

25. widened in horror

26. full of fear

27. shaking with fright

28. butterflies in my stomach

29. cold and wet with sweat

30. my breath caught in my throat

31. A sense of shame;burning ears;a warm current

32. there were a lump in my throat

33. misty eyes

34. was moved to tears

35. hung her head in shame

36. let out a low sigh

37. a deep sense of loss and disappointment

38. breathed a deep sigh of relief
