

2022-01-12 11:46:03 描写外貌





1. 写人重写外貌特征。

2. 一般用第一或第三人称写,时态一般用一般现在时。

3.  要抓住所描写人物的典型特征和与众不同之处。


1. 抓住特点,注重顺序

2. 一般用第三人称写,时态一般用一般现在时。

3.  要抓住所描写物品的典型特征(外观、用处、产地等)和与众不同之处。



1. 描述人物心情的常用词语:

sad 难过的 happy 高兴的excited 兴奋的 pleased 高兴的satisfied 满意的 angry 生气的worried 担心的 disappointed 失望的terrified 恐惧的 friendly 友好的anxious 焦虑的 curious 好奇的eager 急切的


like very much 非常喜欢 love 喜爱be interested in 对……感性趣 be fond of 喜欢hate 憎恨 be tired of 对……厌倦be crazy about 对……极度喜欢 enjoy 喜欢lose interest in 对……失去兴趣

3. 描写人物外貌和性格特征的常用词语:

good-looking 长得好看的 ugly-looking 长得难看的funny-looking 长相滑稽的 ordinary-looking 长相一般的

white-haired 白头发的 warm-hearted 热心肠的kind-hearted 好心的 absent-minded 心不在焉的bad-tempered 脾气不好的 near-sighted 近视眼的far-sighted 远视眼的 tall 个高的short 个矮的 pretty 漂亮的naughty 淘气的 lovely 可爱的easy-going 温和宽容的 smart 精明的wise 明智的 bright 聪明的diligent 勤奋的 lazy 懒惰的clever 聪明的 healthy 健康的humorous 幽默的 funny 滑稽的silent 沉默的 attractive 有吸引力的talkative 多话的


She was born in Beijing on Oct. 12, 1986.

She was a great woman with the name...

Born of a poor clerk’s family, she had little schooling.







Nowadays many people prefer A, because it has a significant role in our daily life. Generally, its  advantages can be seen as follows. First ____________(A的优点之一). Besides ____________(A的优点之二).  But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. One of the important disadvantages is that ____________(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,____________(A的第二个缺点).  Through the above analysis, I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ____________(我的看法).  (From the comparison between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably and do it according to the circumstances we are in. Only by this way, ____________(对前景的预测).

典例一 (2021 •湖南湘潭市•中考) 

榜样,就是那些闪耀着奋进之光的人,他们为我们指引方向。在你的成长过程中,一定有很多值得你学习的榜样,比如袁隆平、钟南山、老师、亲人、朋友……假如你是李华,学校英语社团将举办“The person I admire”的演讲比赛,请你根据要点提示或做适当发挥,写一篇介绍自己的榜样的演讲稿。


What does he/she look like?

What is he/she like?

Why do you admire him/her?

参考词汇:钦佩admire   鼓励 encourage   挑战 challenge   成功 succeed    树立好榜样set a good example    实现我的梦想achieve my dream




Hello, everyone!

I’m Li Hua. The person I admire most is_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

That’s all. Thanks for listening.


Hello, everyone!

I’m Li Hua. The person I admire most is my mother.

She is in her forties. She is a great mother and a good doctor. When I have troubles in my study. She always listens to my problems patiently. And she advises me how to solve them and encourages me to challenge these problems. And I always succeed in solving them. As a doctor, she often says she can’t be too careful. She sets a good example for my study. She often works extra hours. She has devoted most of her time to her work. So I think she is not only a good mother but also a good doctor.

I hope I can be a person like her. I’m sure I can achieve my dream one day. I also hope she will pay more attention to her own health. She’d better have more time to relax herself.

That’s all. Thanks for listening.


1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示词语和问题,写出自己最敬佩的人是谁以及为什么值得你敬佩等,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。

2. 写作指导:写作时要与已给出的开头和结尾融合起来,用第一人称和第三人称相结合来写作,时态以一般现在时为主,要做到要点齐全,无单词拼写和语法错误。

典例二 (2021 •湖南湘潭市•中考) 假定你是李华,2022年亚运会将在杭州举行,你想成为一名志愿者,请用英语给组委会写一封信,内容包括:

1. 擅长英语,口语很棒;

2. 性格外向,乐于助人;

3. 爱好运动,了解亚运会等。


1. 文中请勿使用真实人名、校名和地名;

2. 包含以上所有信息,可适当发挥;

3. 词数:80词左右,文章开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

参考词汇:be good at/I do well in擅长        spoken English口语        outgoing外向的

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua, a middle school student. I’m glad to know that the Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou in 2022. I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Li Hua


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Li Hua, a middle school student. I’m glad to know that the Asian Games will be held in Hangzhou in 2022. I’m writing to apply to be a volunteer.

Firstly, I’m good at English, especially spoken English, which will be useful to communicate with foreigners. Secondly, I am an outgoing girl and I’m ready to help others. So I can cooperate with others well. Last but not the least, I like sports. I want to know more about the Asian Games. I hope to take part in the Asian Games one day.

I would be grateful if you give me the opportunity. I’m looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua




典例三 (2021 •云南昆明•中考)

Life is full of love

爱是荒漠甘泉,滋养你的心灵;爱是长夜明灯,指引你前进的方向。生活中爱无处不在,它或来自你的父母、家人;或来自你的老师、朋友、同学甚至陌生人。请你用英文以 “Life is full of love”为题写一篇短文,叙述一个你经历过充满爱的故事。


1. 语言流畅、书写规范、卷面整洁,词数不少于60个;

2. 文中不得使用你的真实姓名、校名,否则以零分计;

3. 书面表达必须写在答题卡上,如在本卷上作答,一律不得分。



Life is full of love

Is there a thing full of love buried deeply in your heart? I want to share one with all of you and push myself.

One afternoon, I dragged myself onto the bus to go home. It was the rush hour and the bus was extremely crowded. I was even secretly happy that I had a seat. Just at that moment, a woman got on the bus with a baby in her arms. She was standing right next to me. Just as I was hesitating, our eyes met. I had mixed feelings, embarrassed, worried, nervous…Before I could get up, she said to me with a warm voice “Boy, you must be very tired after the whole day’s work. But fighting for your dream is a happy thing. I will get off at the next stop. Sit here and have a good rest.”

How kind and understanding she was! What she said made me not only ashamed but moved. It was her love that is pushing me to be a better person!


1.题干解读:本文是一篇材料作文。要求以Life is full of love为题,结合提示内容进行写作,注意要点齐全,可适当发挥。


典例三 (2021 •江苏苏州市•中考)

在日常生活中, 冲突难免发生。请以 “A conflict with…”为题。用英语写下你与他人(如:家人, 老师, 同学等)或自己内心发生过的冲突故事。故事需包括冲突的发生和解决。


1. 词数:100左右;

2. 请先将标题填写完整,再写文章;

3文中不得出现与考生相关的真实姓名, 校名等信息;照抄阅读语篇不得分。

参考词汇:conflict 冲突

A conflict with ________



A conflict with my mother

In daily life, conflicts often occur. I sometimes have conflicts with my mother.

When I got home, she always said a lot. She would ask me about my performance in class, how I got along with my classmates and so on. I felt really bored sometimes. I was very tired after a day’s class. When I got home, I just wanted to rest and didn’t want to talk. So whenever my mother asked me something, we always had some conflicts.

Later, I told my good friend what I thought, and she suggested that I talk to my mother about what I really thought. I did as she suggested. I had a heart-to-heart talk with my mother. I explained my thoughts in detail to my mother. Instead of talking about it endlessly, my mother gave me more space and made me more independent.

In the end, my relationship with my mother became very harmonious. We all became happier and more relaxed.


1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示词语,写出自己和谁发生了冲突,包括冲突的发生和解决,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。

2. 写作指导:写作时要紧扣主题,用第一人称和其他人称相结合来写作,时态以一般过去时为主,要做到要点齐全,无单词拼写和语法错误。

典例 (2021 •湖北•中考)

假设你是李华,某英语网站正在举办以“感恩父母”为主题的征文活动。请根据表格中的内容用英文写一篇题为“A Letter to My Parents”的短文,用于投稿。














感谢某人.....thank sb.for...


做饭cook food

生病be sick


关心care about

个人感受personal feeling

处于困难中be in trouble

健康的 healthy

A Letter to My Parents

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m writing to express my thanks for all your care and love.________________________________________


Thanks again for everything you have done for me.


Li Hua


A Letter to My Parents

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m writing to express my thanks for all your care and love. First of all, I want to thank you for raising me. I thank you for cooking for me every day and taking care of me when I’m sick. I would also like to thank you for your trust and care about my personal feelings. You encouraged me when I was in trouble. So I have to study hard to repay you. At the same time, I wish you keep healthy and happy.

Thanks again for everything you have done for me.


Li Hua


1.题干解读:这是一篇给材料的书信作文,题目要求围绕提示内容写一篇题为“A Letter to My Parents”的短文,来感恩父母。注意要点齐全。


典例(2021 •黑龙江•中考)


提示词: volunteer; the old people’s homes






Last week, several of my classmates and I took part in a volunteer activity held by the community.

We went to the old people’s homes by bus. There, we learned about the health situation of the old people and helped them clean up. Some cleaned the yard and some cleaned the room, such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the table and so on. We were busy all afternoon. We were tired, but we were happy.

I will take part in such activities in the future.


1. 题干解读:题目要求根据提示词语和图片提示,写出一篇有关参加志愿者活动的作文,可以适当的发挥,写作时要运用正确的英语表达,要选用恰当的词汇和短语。

2. 写作指导:写作时要图片内容紧密联系起来,用第一人称来写作,时态以一般过去时为主,要做到要点齐全,无单词拼写和语法错误。                                                                                                                                                                










Linda is my best friend. She has changed o lot in the past two years. She used to be short and have short hair. However, now she is much taller than before. She has long hair. She used to like playing ping-pong, watching TV and chatting with friends. But she likes playing the piano, reading books and taking a walk now. She used to be outgoing. Now she is a little quite. I think people sure change as time goes by. Even though she has changed a lot, we will be the best friends all the time.



2018年10月10日是第27个“世界精神卫生日”, 今年我国“世界精神卫生日”主题是“健康心理,快乐人生”——关注儿童青少年心理健康。我校准备开展宣传活动,现需要向全校征集一名形象大使。你班班长李华准备推荐张丽参加选拔,请你根据要点提示,写一篇90词左右的推荐信给主办方。








Dear Sir or Madam,

Our class strongly recommend Zhang Li as this year's School Mental Health Ambassador. We believe that she has many strong personal qualities for this position.


We think Zhang Li is the most suitable person to be this year's School Mental Health Ambassador. We hope that you will agree with us.

Yours sincerely.


Dear Sir or Madam,

Our class strongly recommend Zhang Li as this year's School Mental Health Ambassador. We believe that she has many strong personal qualities for this position.

She is the most diligent student in the class. She is confident and good at making speeches. She is also

helpful. Last week, she sent an old woman who fell down to her home. She is the top student in her class

and won the gold medal in Jiangsu chemistry competition last year. She is methodical. Last month, he helped the school to organize the sports meeting and was praised highly by the student

and teachers. She has the courage to face difficulties and always accepts new challenges. She also likes red

best because she thinks it stands for youth and energy.

 We think Zhang Li is the most suitable person to be this year’s School Mental Health Ambassador. We hope that you will agree with us.

                                               Yours sincerely.

Li Hua





1. 你心目中的英雄是谁;

2. 他/她为什么会成为你心目中的英雄(至少三方面)。


1. 表达清楚,语句通顺,意思连贯,书写规范;

2. 内容必须包括所给的全部要点,可适当发挥;

3. 词数100左右。(开头已给出,不计入总词数)

Heroes are everywhere and everyone has his/her own hero in his/her heart!



Heroes are everywhere and everyone has his/her own hero in his/her heart! While the hero in my heart is the famous skater Wu Dajing. On February 22nd, 2018, he won the first place in the men's short-track 500-meter race. And he became the first Chinese man to win an Olympic short-track gold medal. On November 12th, 2018, he broke the world record again.

I admire him not only because of his great success but also his spirit of "never giving up". Although his coach once said that he was not a talented skater, he didn't give up and practiced as hard as he could. I hope I can be the person who says no to difficulties and never gives up like him.
