

2022-06-28 09:12:23 心情


1、He is so  sleepy  that he is eager to have a nap.
2、She covered her mouth to hide her yawn .How tired the girl is !

3.She pick her way cautiously  along the stream.
4.Upset,he paced back and  forth(来回踱步) in the room .

5.He  folded his arms and glared at this cat.
6.Linda   screamed that there was a cockroach.
7.He  stamps his feet in anger  .
8.His eyes twinkled with pleasure. 

9.He wears a shinning smile.
10.She  hums a tune merrily  riding on the bike.

11.He is so nervous like ants in his  pants while he  is searching  for some useful information among so many  books.
12.Joy welled up  inside her.
We are   sitting  on  the pins  and  needles at  the news.
13.My heart was in my mouth when I was  to take part in an exam.

14.Tears  roll down Snoopy’s cheeks.
14.He hid his face in his hands.
Snoopy’s mind goes blank.
15.A frown stands on Snoopy’s  face .
16.His eyebrows knot together.

17.My   heart melted  at this warm news.
18.He  was  touched/moved  to tears .
19.He is beside himeslf with anger.
20.His face flamed/clouded with anger.
21.His voice trembled with anger.

22.He  feels quite   ashamed  that he  has not fulfilled the task .
23.He is covered with  shame   because he  has not fulfilled the task .
24.Charlie  was    abashed  [ əˋbæʃt ]        at forgetti。g Snoopy ' s birthday .

25.To Charlie’s shame,he forgot Snoopy ’s birthday.
