

2020-06-15 10:18:27 白天



sunshine /sunlight 阳光

breeze 微风

dim 昏暗的

faint 微弱的

winding 蜿蜒的

lofty 高耸的

fragile 脆弱的


drift 漂流

float 浮动

beam/ ray 一束(光线)

envelope 信封,包裹

embrace 拥抱

obliterate 擦除

linger 逗留

resembling 像

sway 摇摆

fairytale 童话故事

dot 点缀

mirror 映照

light 点亮


flutter down 飘落

bid farewell to 告别

clumps of wet snowflakes 一团团湿润的雪花

drift mindlessly down 随波逐流

the last beam of sunlight 最后一束阳光

a pitch-black curtain 漆黑的幕布

stroll down the street 在街上漫步

the first ray of sunlight 第一缕阳光

flood into 涌入

gentle breeze 微风

winding rivers 蜿蜒的河流

lofty mountains 高山

deep valleys 深谷

sunny beaches 阳光灿烂的海滩

cool and refreshing breeze 凉爽清新的风

the setting sun 落日

a rainy season 多雨的季节

a stormy night 暴风雨之夜

in the blinding rain 在茫茫大雨中

in the warm spring sunshine 在春天温暖的阳光里

unbearable hot 难以忍受的热

clear up 放晴了

bathe in the sunshine 木日光浴

a small village off the map 一个偏僻的小村庄

within a stone’ s throw of the beach 离海滨仅咫尺之遥

in a village among the hills在群山环抱的村庄里

room facing south 朝南的房间

the thinly populated rural area 人烟稀少的农村地区



1. The sweetness of the sun fills my lungs.

2. The first ray of sunlight is too fragile to touch.

3. Spring breeze draws the curtain of clouds and the sunshine floods into the classrooms.

4. The whole world blossoms with one breath of the sunshine.

5. Snow blanketed every rooftop and weighed on the branches of old trees.


6. Kissed by the rain and shining, the wet ground is cold under foot. The birds busy themselves around me, not caring that I’ m there.潮湿的地面走起来很冷,被雨水亲吻后闪闪发光。鸟儿们在我周围忙碌着,不关心我在哪儿。

7. A dense earthly sweet smell rose from the ground, enveloping everything within its soft embrace.一股浓郁的泥土般的香味从地上升起,把一切都包裹在它柔软的怀抱里。

8. When I drew the curtains back, the sunlight flooded in. 阳光倾斜而入.

9. Golden sunshine, fragile greens and a sea of fragrant flowers crowd into my eyes. Walking into the painting, I am totally drunk with the twittering (吱喳) of birds. Soon the delicate 纤弱的,精致的  air and soft raindrops melt my heart.

10. It was Saturday morning, and all the summer world was bright and fresh, and filled with life. There was a song in every heart. There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. The air was filled with the pleasant smell of flowers. Cardiff Hill, beyond the village and above it, was green with trees and looked beautiful.


1.As the sky gradually darkened and the light dimmed, (天空越来越黑,光线越来越暗)he quickened his steps.

2. The sun hid himself behind the mountains, making it hard to see anything in the thick darkness.

3. Falling leaves fluttered down in the cool mid-autumn air, bidding farewell to sweet summer and beckoning the autumn in.


4. It’ s dark now and the snow is still falling, clumps of wet flakes drifting mindlessly down, the air moist, the sidewalk mushy underfoot.现在天黑了,雪还在落下,一团团的雪花随风飘落,空气潮湿,走在人行道上,脚底粘糊糊的。

5. The rain drummed on the window, bidding farewell to the last beam of sunlight.


6. The lingering sunlight was obliterated by the rapidly falling night,resembling a pitch-black curtain draped  over the sky.逗留在天际的最后一缕阳光被迅速落下的夜幕擦除,像是天空被一层漆黑幕布覆盖。

7. The leaves crunched beneath my feet as I strolled down the street. Occasionally, one would fall past me, lightly swaying as the air gently carried it to the ground.


8. The lake mirrored the sky above, both of them blameless blue and shimmering.


9. The sunset was like orange paint on a blue canvas. 日落就像蓝色画布上的橙色颜料.

10. The strong sun on my black hair would burn me in minutes if I couldn’ t find shelter.


11. The sun dropped through and laid on his head and shoulders.太阳下山,温和的光线落在肩头。


1. From the distance, he saw some dim light (昏暗的灯光) in the village.

2. Silence between dad and me made me more nervous and scared. At that moment, it was completely dark except the faint light given out by a few stars in the sky.

3. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in their power.

4. The sky, midnight blue, gave the scene a fairytale quality, and the stars that dotted the sky lit up the night.天空,午夜蓝,给了这一场景一个童话般的质量,星星点点的天空照亮了夜晚。

5. The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks. 天气晴朗,碧空里星星点点的云雀在翩翩起舞。

6. The wind was howling dreadfully and the rain was pouring from the heaven, whipping against the branches of lined trees. The world was burdened with a sea of drakness. I was seized with the roaring power of nature, a sense of horror creeping up on me. I immediately turned around to slide into the bed and curled up.

7.The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds held me entirely in ther power.

8. The evening of this day was very long, and melancholy(阴郁的), at Hartfield. The weather added what it could of gloom. A cold stormy rain set in(阴冷的暴风雨袭来), and nothing of July appeared but in the trees and shrubs(灌木丛), which the wind was despoiling(摧残), and the length of the day, which only made such cruel sights the longer visible.(白昼的延长可以让人多瞧一瞧这凄冷的景象)

9. The sky is overcast, darkened with gloomy clouds,(乌云密布、黑云压顶) and the whole world seemed to be enveloped in a huge gray quilt. 整个世界仿佛都被一块巨大的灰色棉被笼罩。

10. The thin trees were blowing wildly, and untidy gray clouds were sailing past a pale, sicky moon(苍白昏暗的月亮). The frosty air (寒冷的空气)blew in, cutting like knife.


1. As ___________________, (天空越来越黑,光线越来越暗)he quickened his steps.

2. __________________(微风) stroked his head , as if comforting all his tiredness.

3. From the distance, he saw _____________(昏暗的灯光) in the village.

4. She had no choice but to stop for another night. _________________(一股冷风吹来) and she started to miss the warmth of Tom’ s hug.

5. Silence between dad and me made me more nervous and scared. At that moment, it was completely dark _____________________(除了微弱的光) given out by a few stars in the sky.

6. The dark, rainy evening, the wind, the thundering clouds_____________________(完全把我镇住了).

7. I closed my eyes in the speeding car. ____________________________(蜿蜒的小溪,高耸的山,深深的山谷)and sunny beaches held me entirely in their fascination.

8. ______________________(泥土熟悉的芬芳)rose up to greet her. Wandering in the woods, Ally slowed her pace to find the little guy in the mixed air.

9. The sun looked at her with a glowing smile and the flowers____________________(快乐地朝着她点点头).

10. The breeze patted her on the face, warm and comfortable. However, it seemed that Ally couldn’t catch sight of the wood warbler(莺) after a long time wait.__________________(太阳落山), Ally was about to leave.


1. the sky gradually darkened and the light dimmed 

2. The gentle breeze

3. some dim light

4. A gust of cold wind blew

5. except the faint light

6. held me entirely in their power

7. Winding rivers, lofty mountains, deep valleys

8. Familiar smells of the earth

9. nodded merrily towards her

10. With the sun setting
