

2024-01-23 09:10:35 城市


给大家分享一段 National Geographic 上介绍罗马的小短文,这篇文章虽短,但处处妙语成珠。先看一下原文:

①All cities have layers, but few can claim to be as stratified as Rome. ②Civilisations that have taken root here over millennia seem to jostle for prominence at every turn — ③medieval streets constructed above Etruscan sewers, Roman columns repurposed by Renaissance architects, baroque churches consecrated on top of ancient tombs, 1950s flats built upon the remains of palatial villas...

①Part of Rome’s magic is the way in which it honours its icons, like the Colosseum and the Pantheon. ②But rather than simply dining out on its past and preserving the city in aspic, the Eternal City refuses to stand still. ③Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis is the way its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present, unfolding across its patchwork of spirited neighbourhoods.



①All cities have layers, but few can claim to be as stratified as Rome.



layer 的意思是“层、图层”,比如绿化层就是 green layer。layer 还能用来表示抽象的“层、层次”,比如“多层意义”(many layers of meaning),原文 layer 有着双重含义,一方面指城市的分层构造、规划,比如闹市区、休闲区、郊区等等,另一方面指罗马不同时期的文化、文明。

《生活大爆炸》第五季里就出现过这个词,Amy 被 Stuart 表白后,Penny 打趣道:

Amy, little vixen. Just working it under all those layers of wool and polyester.

艾米,你个小狐狸精,衣服穿这么多 还挡不住你的骚气呀。

紧接着,作者对罗马的“多层”特点进行强调::but few can claim to be as stratified as Rome.

few 突出罗马城的独特性,独特在哪?独特在 stratified.

stratify 做动词表示使分层化,这是一个常用于社会学来形容社会阶层的词语,比如形容社会等级分化,可以说 a stratified society 等级社会。

文中 stratified 和前面的 layers 呼应起来。


stratified 体现在哪里?下句话便进行解释:

②Civilisations that have taken root here over millennia seem to jostle for prominence at every turn.



take root 是个非常形象的表达,这里将抽象名词 Civilisations 比作有生命的树木一般,深深扎根于罗马城的土壤里。以此我便可以得到 take root 的引申义:扎根、根深蒂固、深入人心,除了表示植物,还可以搭配观念、方法、活动等,带有比喻色彩,看下面这个例子:

Core socialist values should take root among the people, and both the level of civility of citizens and the moral and ethical standards of the whole society should be significantly raised. 



And those tales have taken root deep inside of me.


Civilisations that have taken root here over millennia,千年以来,在罗马生根发芽的文明。

至此,上文的 as stratified as Rome 就很好理解了,指不同历史时期,罗马多层次的文明。

jostle 是个很形象的词语,指“(在人群中)挤,推,撞,搡”,后面加介词 for,则有了“争夺、争抢”的意思,相当于 compete for,但 jostle for 更有画面感。

文中说,Civilisations jostle for prominence (不同时期的)文明争夺显赫地位、争夺关注,罗马城瞬间活了起来,不同的文明都在努力展现着自己的风采,有种百花齐放百家争鸣的感觉。

再看一个《经济学人》中关于 jostle 的例句:

Ten candidates jostled to become leader of Britain’s Conservative Party, and thus the country’s next prime minister.



And they're off. There they go, tearing down the street and jostling for first position.


思考一下,如果我们用 compete,只能传达出“竞争、争夺”的含义,有点干巴巴的感觉;但用了 jostle,则多了一种“人们为得到某物而相互推搡”的画面感,更加灵动。

at every turn(处处、到处),这个短语进一步体现出不同文明之间的争奇斗艳。

at every turn 究竟体现在哪些方面呢?后面通过破折号举例说明:

③medieval streets constructed above Etruscan sewers, Roman columns repurposed by Renaissance architects, baroque churches consecrated on top of ancient tombs, 1950s flats built upon the remains of palatial villas...


③句对②句“Civilisations that have taken root here over millennia”进行展开说明,通过具体的例子,体现出罗马的千年文化。


1. medieval streets constructed above Etruscan sewers

constructed above Etruscan sewers 修饰 medieval streets,意为:在伊特鲁里亚下水道上建造的中世纪街道。

Etruscan 伊斯特拉坎,是一个古罗马崛起之前的文明。

2. Roman columns repurposed by Renaissance architects

repurposed by Renaissance architects 修饰 Roman columns,意为:由文艺复兴建筑师改造的罗马柱。

repurpose 由前缀 re(又、再、重新)和 purpose(目的)组合而成,即“改变...的用途、稍加改动”,看个例句:

We put a lot of material up on our website simply by repurposing our existing catalog.


Roman columns 指“罗马柱”,熟悉历史的同学都知道,欧洲的文艺复兴是对古罗马、古希腊文化艺术的复兴,很多文艺复兴时期的作品都有鲜明的古典时代的印记,文艺复兴时期的建筑师对古罗马柱(Roman columns)再次加工利用(repurpose):


3. baroque churches consecrated on top of ancient tombs

consecrated on top of ancient tombs 修饰 baroque churches,意为:在古墓上建造的神圣的巴洛克教堂。

baroque 指“巴洛克风格的”。

consecrate 表示“使神圣化,把...奉为神明”,除了用在宗教领域,还可以用来称赞某人的奉献精神,比如:

His entire life is consecrated to science. 


文中 baroque churches consecrated on top of ancient tombs,原文本身含义是指巴洛克式的教堂修建在古墓上,但为了让文字更具活力,作者直接将其升华,用 consecrate 使无生命的建筑充满神性。

4. 1950s flats built upon the remains of palatial villas

built upon the remains of palatial villas 是过去分词形式的后置定语,修饰 1950s flats,意为:在宫殿别墅遗迹上建造的20世纪50年代的公寓。

不同历史时期的遗迹堆叠在一起,这便是第一句 as stratified as Rome 含义所在。



①Part of Rome’s magic is the way in which it honours its icons, like the Colosseum and the Pantheon.



in which 中,which 代指前面的 way,代入:in the way it honours its icons 罗马尊重其圣象的方式。所以这句话的意思是:罗马的魅力之一在于它尊重圣象的方式。

like the Colosseum and the Pantheon 是对 icons 的举例,指“斗兽场和万神殿”,都是充满历史味道的场所。

②But rather than simply dining out on its past and preserving the city in aspic, the Eternal City refuses to stand still.



dine out on 这里表示“依靠...维持声誉”,有一种“啃老本”的含义,看下面这个例子:

I know your first novel was a smash success, but if you just rest on your laurels, you're going to fade into obscurity.


此外,我们也可以用 rest on your laurels 表示“啃老本,躺在过去的功劳簿上”,laurel 本义是指“月桂树”,在希腊文化中,月桂叶花环象征着胜利和地位,联合国徽章就是被月桂叶围绕的世界:

所以 rest on your laurels 就有了“躺在自己的胜利中、躺在功劳簿上”的意思,比喻不思进取。美剧《西部世界》第二季第一集中就出现过这个用法:

What I've always appreciated about you — you never rested on your laurels.


文中 rather than simply dining out on its past 的意思就是:罗马并没有只躺在过去的功劳簿上。

preserving the city in aspic 中,aspic 本意是“肉冻”,是一种将清汤加工为果冻状态,并在其中镶入肉块、蔬菜、水果等的食物,如图:

preserve the city in aspic 字面意思是:把城市保存在肉冻里,比喻“裹足不前、故步自封”,和前面的 dine out on its past 是一个意思。

stand still 很好理解,表示“静止不动,停滞不前”。

回顾这句话,作者用了三种不同的表达来描述“啃老本”“不思进取”的含义,另外,表示“罗马”,作者并没有重复使用 Rome 一词,而是用了 the Eternal City 来替换,这是英语的一个特点:短距离内不能出现同样的短语或句式结构,同样的意思,要用不同的方式表达出来。

③Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis is the way its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present, unfolding across its patchwork of spirited neighbourhoods.


③句承接②句,讲了罗马作为现代大都市的魅力。其中本句“Part of its unique appeal”和①句的“Part of Rome’s magic”在结构上相呼应。

这句话的主干是:Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis is the way

其中,Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis 为句子主语,意为“作为当代大都市,罗马独一无二的魅力的一部分”。unique appeal 和前面的 magic 是一个意思,属于同义替换。

its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present 是定语从句,省略了 in which,补充进去:Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis is the way (in which) its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present.

回顾一下第①句:Part of Rome’s magic is the way in which it honours its icons, like the Colosseum and the Pantheon.

①句出现了 in which,③句为了避免句式重复,故将 in which 省略。

lineage 跟 line(线)有关,表示 the series of families that sb comes from originally 汉语经常翻译成“世系、宗系、血统”,文中具体指罗马古文明的传承像一条线一样延续下来。

woven 的原形是 weave,本义是“编织”,这里比喻“编纂、编造(故事)”,带有一定比喻色彩,比如,to weave a narrative 编故事,再看个例句:

She weaves a complicated plot of romance and intrigue.


文中 its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present 可以理解成:古代文明编织入当代的故事中,通俗一点就是“古今结合、历史与现代融为一体”,描写得非常优美。

再看句子最后的分词状语结构:unfolding across its patchwork of spirited neighbourhoods.

这部分作为补充,隐含的主语是 its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present 这件事。

patchwork 本义是指 a thing that is made up of many different pieces or parts “拼凑之物”,看个例句:

From the plane, the landscape was just a patchwork of fields. 



Hong Kong is a patchwork of cultures and religions.



在描述城市多样性时,可以说 have many layers、be as stratified as;

在描述城市历史文化时,可以说 Civilisations that have taken root here over millennia seem to jostle for prominence at every turn;

在讲城市尊重历史、保护历史遗迹时,可以用 honours its icons, like...;

描述城市锐意发展、日新月异时,可以套用 rather than simply dining out on its past and preserving the city in aspic, the city refuses to stand still.;

体现城市的古今融合时,可以说 Part of the city's magic is the way in which it honours its icons, like... Part of its unique appeal as a modern metropolis is the way its ancient lineage is woven into the narrative of the present.
