

2023-01-21 08:26:09 乡村


高分英语作文1:Describe the change of hometown
Unit 1, changes in my hometown: in the past ten years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. In the past, there were many old houses, dirty rivers, narrow roads, and hard living conditions. People went to work on foot or by bike.

But now, there are many tall buildings in my hometown. The rivers are clear, the water is clear, there are many loops, and the living conditions are very comfortable. People usually take the bus or take the Galle Bihai goes to work.

I'm glad to see these great changes in my hometown, but I think it's still important to remember the past. It tells us to cherish the present life.


In recent years, great changes have taken place in my hometown. Department stores and factories can be seen everywhere. All kinds of cars and buses are running on the street.

With the development of society, American life has been greatly improved. I used to live in a small house, which surrounded the whole city. Our quality of life has also been improved.

Life is very low. People always worry that they have no money to use or can't buy things they like. But now, with the support of the government, my hometown has developed rapidly, which has changed many people's lives in a rich and high-quality society.

Almost everyone has a car, and the transportation is convenient. More and more high-rise buildings are being built, bringing a new look to our hometown. Many beautiful places have been opened up and attracted many tourists.

Therefore, the people in my hometown are more and more busy, people's footprints can be seen everywhere.



But how can people see it when they're speeding down the interstate? She asked, "don't worry, mom. They just rush by between the morning and the morning. Commuters are all over the interstate.

No one moves. They tell her that she only needs us dollars a month. So she takes most of the money out of her savings account and rents a billboard.

A month later, but Clyde doesn't show up because she has almost no savings. Mrs. Brown called the local news to see if anyone could help her rent the billboard for another month, but so far no one has backed down.



上一篇:赶紧收藏:描写乡村景物的小学作文10篇范文下一篇:小说写作素材 庭院 女人 男人描写